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Miguel Acosta
8 abr 20240 Min. de lectura

Miguel Acosta
11 nov 20210 Min. de lectura

Miguel Acosta
16 jun 20211 Min. de lectura

Miguel Acosta
14 jun 20211 Min. de lectura

Miguel Acosta
14 jun 20211 Min. de lectura

Miguel Acosta
14 jun 20211 Min. de lectura


Take a look over the latest drawing trends and techniques with our collection of recent drawing activities. From sketching to digital art, our resources will help you improve your skills and unleash your creativity. Join our community of artists and explore new ways to express yourself through drawing."

Conocer y dibujar Barcelona por primera vez es una experiencia que va más allá de la simple observación. Barcelona es una ciudad rica en historia, cultura y arquitectura única, lo que la convierte en un lienzo perfecto para plasmar en papel. Dibujarla permite apreciar cada detalle, cada rincón y cada edificio emblemático de una manera más profunda y personal.
Además, dibujar Barcelona por primera vez es una oportunidad para conectar con su esencia, su energía y su gente. Permite capturar momentos y emociones de una manera que una simple fotografía no puede. Es una forma de dejar una huella en la ciudad, de hacerla parte de ti y de ti parte de ella.
Por otro lado, conocer Barcelona dibujándola por primera vez es sumergirse en su historia, en su pasado y en su presente. Es descubrir su evolución a lo largo del tiempo y entender su importancia en el contexto cultural y arquitectónico europeo. Es, en definitiva, una experiencia enriquecedora que deja una marca imborrable en quien la vive.
Getting to know and draw Barcelona for the first time is an experience that goes beyond simple observation. Barcelona is a city rich in history, culture, and unique architecture, making it a perfect canvas to capture on paper. Drawing it allows you to appreciate every detail, every corner, and every iconic building in a deeper and more personal way.
Moreover, drawing Barcelona for the first time is an opportunity to connect with its essence, its energy, and its people. It allows you to capture moments and emotions in a way that a simple photograph cannot. It is a way to leave a mark on the city, to make it a part of you and you a part of it.
On the other hand, getting to know Barcelona by drawing it for the first time is to immerse yourself in its history, its past, and its present. It is to discover its evolution over time and understand its importance in the European cultural and architectural context. It is, ultimately, an enriching experience that leaves an indelible mark on those who experience it.
Además, dibujar Barcelona por primera vez es una oportunidad para conectar con su esencia, su energía y su gente. Permite capturar momentos y emociones de una manera que una simple fotografía no puede. Es una forma de dejar una huella en la ciudad, de hacerla parte de ti y de ti parte de ella.
Por otro lado, conocer Barcelona dibujándola por primera vez es sumergirse en su historia, en su pasado y en su presente. Es descubrir su evolución a lo largo del tiempo y entender su importancia en el contexto cultural y arquitectónico europeo. Es, en definitiva, una experiencia enriquecedora que deja una marca imborrable en quien la vive.
Getting to know and draw Barcelona for the first time is an experience that goes beyond simple observation. Barcelona is a city rich in history, culture, and unique architecture, making it a perfect canvas to capture on paper. Drawing it allows you to appreciate every detail, every corner, and every iconic building in a deeper and more personal way.
Moreover, drawing Barcelona for the first time is an opportunity to connect with its essence, its energy, and its people. It allows you to capture moments and emotions in a way that a simple photograph cannot. It is a way to leave a mark on the city, to make it a part of you and you a part of it.
On the other hand, getting to know Barcelona by drawing it for the first time is to immerse yourself in its history, its past, and its present. It is to discover its evolution over time and understand its importance in the European cultural and architectural context. It is, ultimately, an enriching experience that leaves an indelible mark on those who experience it.

Amsterdam, la capital de los Países Bajos, es conocida por sus hermosos canales, museos de clase mundial y arquitectura histórica. Disfruta de un paseo en bicicleta por la ciudad para explorar sus encantadoras calles o visita el famoso Museo Van Gogh para ver algunas de las obras maestras del artista. Con una rica historia y una vibrante escena cultural, Amsterdam ofrece algo para todos los gustos. ¡No te pierdas esta ciudad única en tu próximo viaje!
Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, is known for its beautiful canals, world-class museums, and historic architecture. Enjoy a bike ride through the city to explore its charming streets or visit the famous Van Gogh Museum to see some of the artist's masterpieces. With a rich history and a vibrant cultural scene, Amsterdam offers something for everyone. Don't miss out on this unique city on your next trip!
Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, is known for its beautiful canals, world-class museums, and historic architecture. Enjoy a bike ride through the city to explore its charming streets or visit the famous Van Gogh Museum to see some of the artist's masterpieces. With a rich history and a vibrant cultural scene, Amsterdam offers something for everyone. Don't miss out on this unique city on your next trip!

Conocer y dibujar Manhattan, Nueva York, por primera vez es una experiencia que trasciende lo ordinario. Manhattan es un crisol de culturas, un centro neurálgico de arte, moda, finanzas y gastronomía que ofrece una riqueza visual y emocional única. Dibujar sus icónicos rascacielos, como el Empire State Building o el One World Trade Center, permite apreciar su grandiosidad arquitectónica y su impacto en el horizonte urbano.
Además, dibujar Manhattan por primera vez es sumergirse en su diversidad humana y cultural. Es capturar la energía de sus calles, la variedad de sus barrios y la historia que se respira en cada esquina. Es una oportunidad para conectar con la ciudad y comprender su papel como epicentro cultural y económico del mundo.
Conocer Manhattan dibujándola por primera vez es también descubrir su pasado y su evolución. Es entender cómo una isla pantanosa se convirtió en el corazón de una de las ciudades más influyentes del planeta. Es, en definitiva, una experiencia transformadora que deja una marca indeleble en quien la vive.
Getting to know and draw Manhattan, New York, for the first time is an experience that transcends the ordinary. Manhattan is a melting pot of cultures, a hub of art, fashion, finance, and gastronomy that offers a unique visual and emotional richness. Drawing its iconic skyscrapers, such as the Empire State Building or One World Trade Center, allows you to appreciate its architectural grandeur and its impact on the urban skyline.
Moreover, drawing Manhattan for the first time is to immerse yourself in its human and cultural diversity. It is to capture the energy of its streets, the variety of its neighborhoods, and the history that is felt on every corner. It is an opportunity to connect with the city and understand its role as a cultural and economic epicenter of the world.
Getting to know Manhattan by drawing it for the first time is also to discover its past and its evolution. It is to understand how a swampy island became the heart of one of the most influential cities on the planet. It is, ultimately, a transformative experience that leaves an indelible mark on those who experience it.
Además, dibujar Manhattan por primera vez es sumergirse en su diversidad humana y cultural. Es capturar la energía de sus calles, la variedad de sus barrios y la historia que se respira en cada esquina. Es una oportunidad para conectar con la ciudad y comprender su papel como epicentro cultural y económico del mundo.
Conocer Manhattan dibujándola por primera vez es también descubrir su pasado y su evolución. Es entender cómo una isla pantanosa se convirtió en el corazón de una de las ciudades más influyentes del planeta. Es, en definitiva, una experiencia transformadora que deja una marca indeleble en quien la vive.
Getting to know and draw Manhattan, New York, for the first time is an experience that transcends the ordinary. Manhattan is a melting pot of cultures, a hub of art, fashion, finance, and gastronomy that offers a unique visual and emotional richness. Drawing its iconic skyscrapers, such as the Empire State Building or One World Trade Center, allows you to appreciate its architectural grandeur and its impact on the urban skyline.
Moreover, drawing Manhattan for the first time is to immerse yourself in its human and cultural diversity. It is to capture the energy of its streets, the variety of its neighborhoods, and the history that is felt on every corner. It is an opportunity to connect with the city and understand its role as a cultural and economic epicenter of the world.
Getting to know Manhattan by drawing it for the first time is also to discover its past and its evolution. It is to understand how a swampy island became the heart of one of the most influential cities on the planet. It is, ultimately, a transformative experience that leaves an indelible mark on those who experience it.

Conocer y dibujar sobre planos antiguos de Nueva York es una experiencia que conecta con su historia y evolución. Permite apreciar cómo la ciudad ha crecido y cambiado a lo largo del tiempo, capturando su esencia y riqueza cultural.
Getting to know and drawing on old maps of New York is an experience that connects with its history and evolution. It allows you to appreciate how the city has grown and changed over time, capturing its essence and cultural richness.
Getting to know and drawing on old maps of New York is an experience that connects with its history and evolution. It allows you to appreciate how the city has grown and changed over time, capturing its essence and cultural richness.

Conocer y dibujar sobre planos antiguos de Nueva York es una experiencia que conecta con su historia y evolución. Permite apreciar cómo la ciudad ha crecido y cambiado a lo largo del tiempo, capturando su esencia y riqueza cultural.
Getting to know and drawing on old maps of New York is an experience that connects with its history and evolution. It allows you to appreciate how the city has grown and changed over time, capturing its essence and cultural richness.
Getting to know and drawing on old maps of New York is an experience that connects with its history and evolution. It allows you to appreciate how the city has grown and changed over time, capturing its essence and cultural richness.

Primer grupo de dibujo en Paris, Francia.
Dibujamos la Catedral de Notre Dame, La Plaza Victor Hugo, Los Campos Eliseos entre otros espacios memorables.
Dibujamos la Catedral de Notre Dame, La Plaza Victor Hugo, Los Campos Eliseos entre otros espacios memorables.

Barcelona, la capital de Cataluña en España, es una ciudad que combina a la perfección su rica historia con una vibrante cultura contemporánea. La ciudad es conocida por su impresionante arquitectura, que incluye obras maestras modernistas como la Sagrada Familia de Gaudí y el Parque Güell. Barcelona también tiene una rica escena cultural, con una gran cantidad de museos, galerías de arte y eventos culturales durante todo el año. La ciudad también es famosa por su comida, con una variedad de restaurantes que ofrecen desde platos tradicionales catalanes hasta cocina de vanguardia. Con su mezcla única de historia, arte, cultura y gastronomía, Barcelona es una ciudad que cautiva a todos los que la visitan.
Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia in Spain, is a city that seamlessly combines its rich history with a vibrant contemporary culture. The city is known for its stunning architecture, which includes modernist masterpieces like Gaudí's Sagrada Familia and Park Güell. Barcelona also has a rich cultural scene, with plenty of museums, art galleries, and cultural events throughout the year. The city is also famous for its food, with a variety of restaurants offering everything from traditional Catalan dishes to cutting-edge cuisine. With its unique blend of history, art, culture, and gastronomy, Barcelona is a city that captivates all who visit.
Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia in Spain, is a city that seamlessly combines its rich history with a vibrant contemporary culture. The city is known for its stunning architecture, which includes modernist masterpieces like Gaudí's Sagrada Familia and Park Güell. Barcelona also has a rich cultural scene, with plenty of museums, art galleries, and cultural events throughout the year. The city is also famous for its food, with a variety of restaurants offering everything from traditional Catalan dishes to cutting-edge cuisine. With its unique blend of history, art, culture, and gastronomy, Barcelona is a city that captivates all who visit.

Explorar los Museos Guggenheim dibujando sus arquitecturas icónicas fue una experiencia única. Revivimos la visión de Frank Lloyd Wright mientras capturábamos la belleza de sus curvas y líneas. Fue una experiencia artística que celebró el diseño y la creatividad.
Exploring the Guggenheim Museums by drawing their iconic architectures was a unique experience. We relived Frank Lloyd Wright's vision while capturing the beauty of its curves and lines. It was an artistic experience that celebrated design and creativity.
Exploring the Guggenheim Museums by drawing their iconic architectures was a unique experience. We relived Frank Lloyd Wright's vision while capturing the beauty of its curves and lines. It was an artistic experience that celebrated design and creativity.

En nuestra estadía en Manhattan pudimos disfrutar y dibujar del Museo Guggenheim, el Empire State y el Chrysler Building entre otros edificios y monumentos. De izquierda a derecha ,
Michelle Acosta, Arturo Maitin, Daniel Maitin, Maria Andrea Aguiar, Eloisa Bertorelli, Paulina Benavides e Isabella Bertorelli.
Michelle Acosta, Arturo Maitin, Daniel Maitin, Maria Andrea Aguiar, Eloisa Bertorelli, Paulina Benavides e Isabella Bertorelli.

Dibujos del Conjunto conformado por varias edificaciones creando plazas internes y generando nuevas dimensiones de arquitectura y espacio urbano.

Siempore con la mirada en alto, el punto de fuga en el cielo, recreando el contexto en torno al edificio monumental.

Caracas, la capital de Venezuela, es una ciudad vibrante y llena de contrastes. La Plaza Bolívar, ubicada en el corazón de la ciudad, es uno de sus lugares más emblemáticos. Rodeada por importantes edificios históricos como la Catedral de Caracas y el Palacio Municipal, la plaza es un punto de encuentro popular para los lugareños y visitantes. En el centro de la plaza se encuentra una estatua ecuestre de Simón Bolívar, el líder revolucionario que jugó un papel fundamental en la independencia de Venezuela y otros países latinoamericanos. La Plaza Bolívar es un lugar lleno de historia y cultura, que refleja la importancia de Bolívar en la historia de Venezuela y su legado en la lucha por la libertad en América Latina.
Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, is a vibrant city full of contrasts. Plaza Bolívar, located in the heart of the city, is one of its most emblematic places. Surrounded by important historical buildings such as the Caracas Cathedral and the Municipal Palace, the square is a popular meeting point for locals and visitors alike. At the center of the square stands an equestrian statue of Simón Bolívar, the revolutionary leader who played a key role in the independence of Venezuela and other Latin American countries. Plaza Bolívar is a place full of history and culture, reflecting Bolívar's importance in Venezuela's history and his legacy in the fight for freedom in Latin America.
Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, is a vibrant city full of contrasts. Plaza Bolívar, located in the heart of the city, is one of its most emblematic places. Surrounded by important historical buildings such as the Caracas Cathedral and the Municipal Palace, the square is a popular meeting point for locals and visitors alike. At the center of the square stands an equestrian statue of Simón Bolívar, the revolutionary leader who played a key role in the independence of Venezuela and other Latin American countries. Plaza Bolívar is a place full of history and culture, reflecting Bolívar's importance in Venezuela's history and his legacy in the fight for freedom in Latin America.
from Barcelona to New York and beyond!

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